Comparison of Galaxy S III vs iPhone 4S vs HTC One X

The battle in the mobile market is sure to be a class above the more intense after the presence of Samsung Galaxy S III.

Samsung Officially Launches Galaxy S III

After a long wait, finally Samsung officially unveils Galaxy S III. Android's latest generation of South Korean vendor will soon be visited Europe and Asia followed this by the end of May 2012.

New Nokia Photo Samples from 808 PureView, Wow

For those of you who are interested to buy Nokia 808 Pureview, it's good to see the first images captured using a camera phone. This time the sample photos of the 41MP camera has been obtained through Nokia's official Flickr account.

Samsung: Planning for Windows Phone 8 Smartphone with Base Galaxy S III?

Windows Phone 8 is still not officially announced, but rumors about the smartphone vendors who are making phones with the operating system in it keeps popping up. this time claiming that they heard the initial details about plans for a product Samsung Windows Phone 8.

6 Expected Features Available on the iPad Mini

Re hot news comes from a family line of iPad. Apple rumored to be making a new tablet with a 7 inch size with a price tag in the range of USD 200. This was done to compete with the Kindle Fire.

5 Cyber Security Trends in 2011

In fact, cyber crime is very attractive to criminals. With the growth of mobile services platform superb, criminals will have more ways to attack.

Then would like  about cyber security trends in 2011? Here are 5 predictions according to Symantec:

1. Important Infrasturuktur So Target Attack, Slow Reacting Government

The attackers seemed to have seen the impact of the threats that attack Stuxnet in industrial control systems industry. Symantec estimates that cyber criminals take a lesson from what Stuxnet.

This is the most significant example to date in terms of a computer virus created specially to change the behavior of the system hardware to produce a physical effect in the real world. Although initially slow, it is estimated the frequency of this type of attack will increase.

The findings of the 2010 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Survey Symantec also menggaungkan this trend because 48% of respondents said they expect to get an attack in the next year and 80% believe that the frequency of such attacks will increase.

"Most of the critical infrastructure providers to give support and really hope to be able to cooperate with their governments in planning for CIP. However, we would not expect much movement on the government side related matters referred to in this year," says Symantec.

2. Zero-Day Vulnerability and Target Very Special

In 2010, Hydraq aka Aurora, provide concrete examples of the target class with a very specific threat that is growing. The threat was trying to infiltrate into a particular organization or a particular type of computer systems by exploiting software vulnerabilities that were previously unknown.

Attackers have used this security hole for years, but when the threat to the very specific target gained momentum in 2011. Symantec predicts, users will see zero-day vulnerabilities appear more in the next 12 months than in the previous year.

The main drivers behind this trend is the nature of the low distribution of malware. Threat with specific targets to focus only on a small number of organizations or individuals in order to steal valuable data or infiltration / access the target system.

By exploiting this fact, the attacker intends to increase their madness and attack their targets in a single attack without being noticed.

3. New IT Security Model

The use of smartphones and tablet continues to grow at a pace that is unprecedented. IDC estimates that by the end of the year, shipments of new mobile devices will increase by 55% and Gartner meproyeksikan that in the same time, 1.2 billion people will use mobile phone with a rich web connectivity capabilities.

When the devices become more sophisticated while only a small portion of mobile platforms that dominate the market, it is inevitable that the attacker will enter the mobile devices in 2011 and that mobile devices will become the main source of loss of confidential data.

Therefore, the spread of this gadget is not showing signs of decline in the years to come, companies will be attracted by the new security model to protect data that is stored and can be accessed through the device.

Moreover, when employees become more mobile and work when you travel, the company also had to overcome various challenges associated with adopting new models, such as security in the cloud, for appropriate solutions that will work seamlessly on many platforms and devices .

4. Triggering Encryption Technology

Explosion in the use of mobile devices in the corporate environment does not only mean that the company will face new challenges in keeping the device and critical data in it easily accessible and safe. But they also must comply with various industry data protection regulations of data protection and privacy.

Despite these regulations, many companies / organizations do not disclose when the device moves that contains important data is lost, as they did with the laptop.

"In fact, employees do not always report the loss of these devices into their company. This year, we predict that regulators will begin to take action against this problem and this will encourage companies / organizations to further enhance the use of encryption technology, especially for mobile devices," Symantec said.

The company is also believed to be a more proactive approach to data protection by adopting encryption technology to meet the standards of compliance with regulations and avoid heavy fines and damage to their brand which is caused by a data breach.

5. Attacks Triggered Political Interests

In the study CIP Symantec, more than half of all companies said they suspect or reasonably believe that they have launched an attack with a specific political purpose.

Previously, these attacks particularly in the area of cyber espionage or attack type of denial-of-service to the Web service. However, with the opening of Pandora's box because Stuxnet, it seems we will see these threats move more than just a game of espionage and interference, because the malware is armed to cause damage in the real world.

Symantec assumes that Stuxnet probably only the first tangible indication of death from the efforts that some people call it a 'cyber war' that has been occurring for some time now.

"In 2011, indications that more clear about the efforts to control the digital arms race which is currently ongoing will come to the surface," added Symantec

Beware Applications' Who's Looking at Your Facebook Profile'

Whether lately often see bid to find anyone who sees your profile? Be careful, you should not have to click it, because it ensured the application link is the latest malware or a malicious program that was circulating on Facebook.
Yes, it's fraud was heavily wara-Wiri in News Feed up. One form is through Facebook friends status updates, which reads: "OMG OMG OMG ... I cannot believe this Actually works! Now you really can see WHO's viewed your profile! On [LINK]."
Well, the curious user will most likely be clicking on it and they too become victims. Computer and internet security firm Sophos noted, just a few hours more than 60 thousand people have been clicking the link above.
"When clicking on it, you are directed to a web page that encourages you to allow the application to have access to your Facebook profile," said senior technology consultant at Sophos, Graham Cluley, as quoted from PC World, on Tuesday (11/30/2010).
Cluley warned try Facebooker that the application is false. Moreover before, Facebook is also already been confirmed that there is no way to know who has seen our profile
"We worked hard to block and remove websites, pages and applications that claim to be able to do this. If you see things like this, do not be fooled, and immediately report it to us," said up on the page on their site security.
Already be a victim? Do not worry Cluley have any advice for menghalaunya powerful. "Delete the reference to the link from the News Feed you, and pull the right for odd applications to access your profile through the Account / Privacy Settings / Applications and Web sites," Cluley advises.
More specifically, you can follow the steps more or less similar to banish tips malware up via video Lindsay Lohan and Mc Donald ads that also had crowded decorate up some time ago.

HIV Testing Using a mobile phone

Within a period not longer, for those who like change of partners, There is no shame for going to doctor yourself.

Because, later on, you can do yourself to detect whether the test had contracted venereal disease like HIV or syphilis by using a cell phone.

But do not worry, you certainly do not need to be flushed from your phone with urine or saliva to perform these tests.

A project named eST12 and headed by Tariq Sadiq from St George's University, London, England, is developing a chip that can detect the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases in saliva, urine, and blood.

Funds amounting to U.S. $ 6.5 million they've got to make the chips.The chip, which must be moistened by urine or saliva, it will be connected by phone to do the testing process. No need to long to know the outcome. "Only 5 to 15 minutes," said Sadiq.

There is now a prototype chip. Flash memory card similar in size. About the price, according to Sadiq, around U.S. $ 15-30 per chip. But if it is mass produced the price could drop to $ 3 per chip

How SAP Went From From Walldorf to Wall Street

A well known achronym, SAP stands for Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing. The company was founded in Germany, in a town called Walldorf next to Heidelberg and was started in 1972 by five IBM engineers. It was a great business idea, put in the service of other businesses and providing them with highly specialized services without which nobody could survive in today's busy and highly specialized environment. Most people have heard about one of our best known services, SAP security. So, when people want to come to work for our company, they say they will want to become a SAP consultant for SAP security. However, the activities of our company are so widespread nowadays that you can be a SAP consultant in practically any field. While we do offer very specialized services, we are very specialized in many types of activities that no one else on the market can provide better than we can. If you are looking to become a SAP consultant with us, you would better look further than working in SAP security.

Nowadays, we have more than 44,500 installations. We work in 120 countries and have about ten million users. Because our services are so varied, you have very many options when you join the SAP team: you can be an SAP consultant building up our services portfolio. You can be an SAP consultant offering active global support. Another option is to be an SAP consultant for education or financing. Many of our employees have the job of SAP consultant for process outsourcing or SAP consultant for tools, technologies and methodologies. Many of our most experienced people are employed as SAP consultant workers for ramp up, which means that they introduce new solutions for the market. There is also the posibility to become a SAP consultant for managed services and for custom development.

We have been in the business of providing high-tech solutions for more than 30 years now. We work in varied fields as defence, bancking, chemicals, mining, oil and gas, railways, roads, etc. Since we provide solutions for any type of business activity, if you are a SAP consultant you can end up working for that activity that is most interesting for you. You may start in a division that is of no particular interest to you and advance by becoming a SAP consultant in the field you are most passionate about. For example, you can start out as a SAP consultant for mail services and turn out to be a SAP consultant in the area of oil and gas.

Indeed, most people come to SAP to work for SAP security. That is what they hear about, that we provide security for business services we offer and they want to be in the field of SAP security. But then we tell them that SAP security can mean any number of things. When we provide solutions in the domain of finance, we provide SAP security for that. When we provide solutions for companies that work with fossil energy, we provide security for our services there. Any service we provide for our companies, we also provide SAP security along with it. So when you come to our company ready to work in the field of SAP security, you would be better off knowing much more than that about what you really want to end up doing.

Either way, what all this means is that there are many available jobs to work for SAP security. It's just that you can be a provider of SAP security in any number of branches of our company. We do not want you to be shy. We think that anyone has a chance in our company, especially with a solid background in business or IT studies. If you are well trained, try to come and work for our company. We started small and ended up being the biggest business service provider. We are open to giving chances to beginners. We started in Walldorf and we are now on Wall Street. We want you to do the same, to use our company for growing personally.

All that we ask of you is to have some idea about the activities of our company before you approach us. Don't count just on rumours. Don't just come and say that you want to be a SAP consultant and you prefer SAP security. It takes a little more than that to actually end up working in SAP security. It takes a little bit of effort to understand some of the huge array of activities our company has and it takes some knowledge of what you want to do inside the company. That is all you need. We will help you grow from there.

How to Get Rid of PC-Guide Once for All

Do you have PC-Guide on your computer right now? Do you know PC-Guide is a fake antivirus program? Are you eager to remove PC-Guide completely before it ruins your system completely? You are finding the right article to remove PC-Guide here.

What is PC-Guide?

PC-Guide is well-known rogue antivirus program, which can not give your computer any protection. Like other fake antivirus programs, PC-Guide updates the new version of spyware every time by using fake antivirus scanners, Trojans and several malicious techniques. The ultimate goal of t PC-Guide is to force user to download this program in their system and then convince them to buy the full version of it. PC-Guide can cause serious destruction to the system by altering several processes and applications so removing PC-Guide is very important and need to be done as soon it is identified.

What PC-Guide does to destroy your computer?

PC-Guide gets installed through spyware in user's computer and pretends to provide real-time guard to PC. But instead of doing the same PC-Guide installs other malicious spyware and causes serious destruction to the system. Once PC-Guide gets installed in PC, it configures itself to scan the computer automatically when the system starts and after finishing the scanning PC-Guide states that there are numerous viruses in the computer which need to be cleaning. But along with this message PC-Guide also states that the existing version of the PC-Guide is unable to fix this issue and for that user need to purchase the full version of the program. But in reality all this alerts and pop-ups are false and nothing more than scam, so user need to remove PC-Guide completely.

How to remove PC-Guide fake program from PC?

Removal of PC-Guide is very easy if user knows what it is. Just like other malicious programs user's just need to uninstall PC-Guide and need to remove other related information's from the computer. Stop the related processes of PC-Guide, alter the registry to remove the keys and values related to PC-Guide will help the user to get rid of this fake program. But performing this task is really very risky as if any important file or value gets changed is removed during this process from the registry then the entire system can become unbootable. Not only that, this type of PC-Guide also plant or install other hidden malicious files along with the main threat which is impossible to remove manually. So, it is recommended to use third party spyware removal tool which will effectively scan the entire system and help user to get rid of PC-Guide program for ever from PC.

Are you finding an effective antispyware program? Try Spyware Cease now. It is proven that Spyware Cease can remove PC-Guide completely from your computer. Free scan your computer now and see whether Spyware Cease can detect PC-Guide.

Apple Time Capsule All in One Solution For Wireless Network with Auto Backup

Data backup is a critical task you must do if you don't ever want your valuable files are lost or corrupted for some reasons. Imagine you have valuable wedding photo album and tons of your golden moments stored in your computer hard disk lost due to hard disk crash. You will never get those unforgettable moments replied or reproduced. In businesses, imagine thousands of critical files as the results of years of hard work of your employee lost due to disaster and you don't have a well managed backup system, how can you recover those critical files back?

Unfortunately, not all users are aware how important data backup is. But in businesses, a well managed backup strategy must be in place as part of the business continuity and disaster recovery planning. With a well managed backup, if you ever have your files lost or corrupted or in case of disaster, you don't need to be panic you can always restore your files back. For home users, what is the easy way to setup your environment to backup automatically? Consider to build your wireless network using Apple Time Capsule 1T or 2T storage.

With Apple Time Capsule you can build your wireless network environment with a capability of backing up your computers data automatically. You just need to backup once at the first time probably take all night long depends on how huge your data and then the system will synchronize the data only if the files changed or updated. All the backup operations from the computers (Macs or PCs) are performed automatically either via wired or wireless connection of your network.

Time Capsule is basically a full featured Airport Extreme Base Station. The device is powered with the latest 802.11n technology to provide high-speed wireless network and backup system for all your Mac computers and PCs - all in one device. The device supports the dual-band wireless n technology to support all the Wi-Fi devices that use either 2.4GHz or 5GHz frequency bands including Mac computers, PCs, iPhone, iPod touch, and Apple TVs.

Remote Access

With Time Capsule you can access your data via the internet wherever you go. If your computer is Mac OS X Leopard or Snow Leopard, you can be a member of MobileMe. With MobileMe, you can register your Time Capsule with your MobileMe account and the drive will appear in your Mac Finder sidebar and you can access the drive when you are on the go from everywhere as if you have a personal file server wherever you go.

USB Port

The Time Capsule includes one USB port you can use to share a printer accessible across the network. You can also add a USB hub to allow you share the printer and add more external drive at the same time. So you don't need to buy separate print-server device.

Guest Secure Access

If you would like to share the internet access with your guests, you can create Guest secure access without compromising your private network resources such as your attached storage. Use the included Airport utility and create a separate Wi-Fi network for your guests with different password or even with no password.

Time Capsule T1 or T2 is ideal solution for home wireless network that support the automatic backup over the wireless network. For small to medium businesses, Time Capsule might not be a good solution. In small to medium businesses with Windows server 2003 or later you can configure the Volume Shadow Copy Services (VSS). One of the advantages of the VSS in windows server 2003 or later is the capability of restoring the previous versions of the files. In businesses, it is frequently happened that people accidently overwrite the original document files while updating the files that supposed to be saved as to different file names. With VSS support, you can restore the previous versions of your document files.

VSS is not the solution for your complete backup strategy for businesses but it helps you restore your files easily in some situations. You still need a well managed backup strategy including the backup device and software as part of your business continuity and disaster recovery planning.

How To Uninstall Windows And Use Linux Instead

There are some users who have grown beyond the need for Windows and have decided to remove it from their systems.

Really this is only a step that one should take once you have used Linux full time for quite a while and know how to use the system for your needs. Removing Windows isn't completely necessary but some Linux users will want to do this.

There are a couple of ways of doing this. The first would be to partition the hard drive so that you have a Linux partition and a Windows partition. The assumption here is that you already have an installed Linux operating system that you are using and have been duel booting for quite sometime.

The easiest way is to simply reformat and remove the Windows partition making it blank space again and possibly combining back with you Linux partition. You can also just keep the Windows partition once erased and have this for storage space so that you won't mess anything up while trying to combine partitions if you don't know what you are doing.

The other strategy is to boot up on a Live CD with your Linux distribution of choice and install it to the system. Instead of installing it to a partition, you choose to install it and completely write over everything on the entire hard drive. But be very careful! This will delete Windows and everything else completely. Before going through this step one should consider the advantages of also having a copy of Windows on the system because there are still many functionalities that only work with Windows. Always being able to go back and use Windows for a certain application is something that can be valuable. It's understandable when you have a small hard drive that you might need to get rid of it as it takes up quite a bit of space, but don't throw it out just yet even if you love Linux.