Comparison of Galaxy S III vs iPhone 4S vs HTC One X

The battle in the mobile market is sure to be a class above the more intense after the presence of Samsung Galaxy S III.

Samsung Officially Launches Galaxy S III

After a long wait, finally Samsung officially unveils Galaxy S III. Android's latest generation of South Korean vendor will soon be visited Europe and Asia followed this by the end of May 2012.

New Nokia Photo Samples from 808 PureView, Wow

For those of you who are interested to buy Nokia 808 Pureview, it's good to see the first images captured using a camera phone. This time the sample photos of the 41MP camera has been obtained through Nokia's official Flickr account.

Samsung: Planning for Windows Phone 8 Smartphone with Base Galaxy S III?

Windows Phone 8 is still not officially announced, but rumors about the smartphone vendors who are making phones with the operating system in it keeps popping up. this time claiming that they heard the initial details about plans for a product Samsung Windows Phone 8.

6 Expected Features Available on the iPad Mini

Re hot news comes from a family line of iPad. Apple rumored to be making a new tablet with a 7 inch size with a price tag in the range of USD 200. This was done to compete with the Kindle Fire.

Tips for Creating Symbols Copyright, Trademark, Registry in Microsoft Word

Tips to make the symbol "copyright", "register" or "trademark" in Microsoft Word in a simple and concise manner,
The first way by using the Symbol function from the Insert menu in Microsoft Word. But an easier way is to use a shortcut that is a short way to activate a menu. What are the shortcuts to make symbols like ©, ® or TM in Microsoft Word?:

* To create a symbol like the following Copyright ©, shortcuts used are:
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [C]
* To create a symbol like the following Registry ®, shortcuts used are:
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [R]
* To make the following Trademark symbol TM, shortcuts used are:
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [T]

Tips - Closing All Files Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software that is reliable. With Microsoft Excel, you can create inventory reports, financial reports, and various types of other reports. In fact you can display in a pivot table for data can be processed and presented with interesting.

Because in most offices, chances are you open lots of files or Excel files on your computer. If you want to close all these files, you must close it one by one. If you are chased by time and want to do it quickly, of course this is not an efficient way.
Actually there is a quick way to cover the entire Excel file brief. How do I? You simply press and hold the "Shift" then choose "File" menu. On the menu that appears, there will be a new additional menu item called "Close All". Select the "Close All" then all your Excel file will be closed simultaneously. Of course if you do not save (save) the file Excel will then automatically advance to confirm to you before closing the file.

Computers and Internet threats!

Computers are now a common thing. Every day, you may be associated with this object. Computers and the Internet has helped many of your work. Ease of finding information, perform various financial transactions, store or process data into something that is not too burdensome. But behind its simplicity, there are many threats that can destroy data or your computer either a PC or laptop.

When you find your computer is not working properly, such as computers slow, hangs, look for missing data, display annoying when you're working, you may conclude your computer a virus. Actually there are various threats that target when you work with computers and the Internet. These threats can damage data, computers, and even steal important data.
Security threat is not just a virus. Maybe there are some terms you've ever heard but still do not know what he meant. Here's an explanation of the things that can threaten your computer or take your important data.

This is a program that will display ads on the computer. It would be disturbing because adware generally will use the resources of the computer, as a result computer is running slow. There is also a type of adware that appear in pop-ups that can interfere when you're working.

Brute Force
An activity to break the password by combining numbers and letters in sequence. Very dangerous if with this technique, people who are not entitled to succeed to know your password and then misused. To overcome this problem, it's good password that is used not only consist of numbers and letters but also consists of symbols like $, #, &, and others.

Is a continuation of a Distributed Denial of Service, where a server or computer is attacked with bombarded shipment data in a very large size of many computers simultaneously. As a result the computer is difficult to access or damage to hardware not being able to accommodate very large data items.

That is an application that tries to find and attack the weaknesses of the system to gain access to or for the purpose of infecting the system or computer.

Fake Antivirus
The way it works is by making as if a computer virus and suggest to buy anti-virus to overcome the virus.

That is plain hoax spread through email or website. The effect is a panic or a lot of readers who were deceived. Another result is burdensome because of the Internet network of hoax chain messages are delivered to another person.

It is one threat that is dangerous. Keylogger will record that entered through the keyboard input to be stored or sent to someone who normally used for purposes that are not good. This is in particular to watch out for when you enter the password in public places like cafes. Password that you entered via the keyboard can be known and may be used for purposes that are not good.
One way to avoid a keylogger is to use On Screen Keyboard now must enter the password. On Screen Keyboard can be run from the Windows programs that are on Programs | Accessories | Accessbility or by typing in "OSK" from Start | Run on Windows Operating System.

Usually found on the bootsector on the disk, then change the course of the first run. Systems that are usually affected first is the Operating System. Infections in Operating System makes it easier malware to spread themselves or spread the virus on storage media such as CD ROM or Flash Disk.

Is a form of fraud on the internet by making someone would provide important information that is not entitled to know. For example, by creating a website similar to a bank website. A victim does not realize he had been deceived and then enter the password that setealh known by the manufacturer can be used to deplete savings victim.

That is a program that aims to hide other programs running. Usually used to spread malware, virus, or keylogger.

Mean an unexpected email. Usually an email advertisement or a teaser for a person visiting a particular website which is actually a phishing or to disseminate malware. Messages can be sent in large quantities, so spend time to remove them.

Is a program that works to spy on users with the purpose of obtaining critical information such as credit card numbers, PINs or passwords that can harm the victim because the leaking of such information.

Acting as if he dalah good program that can be used to help users work. But, actually in it there are functions that endanger the overall system or to steal confidential information. Trojans easily spread to other computers.

Is malware that can multiply and then sends copies itself over a network without having a specific activity performed by users. The worm can be dangerous because it can become an entry point for viruses, malware or other destructive programs.

Microsoft: Do not Press the F1 Currently Browsing

Microsoft found a weakness in software. In order to prevent this vulnerability exploited, the Redmond giant was also recommends users not to press F1 while browsing the web.
As quoted from Microsoft Security Advisory, Wednesday (3/3/2010), a weakness has been discovered in VBScript. Strictly speaking, this weakness will affect computer running Windows XP and Internet Explorer browser (IE).
This weakness could be exploited when a user presses the F1 key. Buttons are usually used to call the help function (Help menu) in Windows applications.
"If a malicious site displays the Dialog Box specially made and the user presses F1, a malicious code can run on a user's computer in accordance with the authority of the user," according to a warning from Microsoft.
Well, Microsoft offered a few ways to prevent this weakness to attack your computer:

* Do not press F1 when prompted by a particular site
* Turn off access to the Windows Help
* Change the rules of the IE security to 'High' to block ActiveX
* Set IE for giving warnings when trying to run ActiveX

Once again, this vulnerability affects computers running Internet Explorer on Microsoft Windows XP operating system. User's operating system or software other browsers will not be affected.

4 Got Cracks iPhone to Access Phone

A crack was detected on the iPhone 4. This gap is known allows anyone to gain access to phone functions without having to enter a passcode.
Cracks that had tried Ben Grubb and the team from the Sydney Morning Herald that involves only a few buttons on the screen and physical buttons for accessing phone.
"With this method, we can make the iPhone 4 phone calls and send emails from your contacts list. All this is done without entering a PIN number," Grubb wrote, as quoted on Wednesday (10/27/2010).
Grubb and his team conducted the same experiment iPhone 3G. As a result, the previous version of the iPhone is also known to have the same gap. In fact, the iPhone 3G at first sight seem not vulnerable at all.
Some websites mentioned, the latest software version for the iPhone is currently available for software developers as IOS 4.2 beta, reportedly will be facing this method.
When released in November, this software will patch the gap. That means users can not break the security of the iPhone 4 in this way. There has been no official statement from Apple regarding this.
Apple itself seems to have not shown an indication of whether to fix this problem before the official release IOS 4.2. Of course this is in the spotlight because consumers look at one example, other companies like Microsoft for example, usually hastily issued a software fix to patch the crack that was detected remedy rather than wait until the release of new software

Download Google Chrome 7.0 Offline Installer

After last month has released Google Chrome Chrome 6.0, this time one browser it has released the latest version of Google Chrome 7.0 Stable. In the 6.0 version of Google Chrome did a lot of changes to the side of the interface (interface), as in the Address bar no longer displays the http:// at the website address and the loss of bookmarks button in the address bar.
As I quoted from the Google Blog Chrome, the Google Chrome 7.0 is more focused on a few bug fixes. Also, added also support for AppleScript in Mac OS X to implement HTML 5. Similarly, block site feature, the Google Chrome 7.0, you can block sites by using a dialog box.
To try out Google's new Chrome you can update Google Chrome directly from the browser (see How to Update Google Chrome) or to download Google Chrome Offline Installer 7.0 and install it offline.

Download Chrome Offline Installer 7.0

Prevent Users Delete or Uninstall Programs

way that the user can not remove or uninstall the program. Indeed, sometimes on a computer that is used by more than one user, where all users have administrator rights, the uninstall program could happen. Perhaps because of factors due to deliberate or mis accident. Moreover, the removed program is a very important program and coincidentally also the installer is not there anymore. It must be hard again to get the program. Then how do I prevent it?
There is a tips for for the program can not be deleted or be uninstalled by the uninstaller to block executable files from the program. Executable files from the uninstaller is usually named uninstall.exe, uninstall.msi, unwise.exe, uninst.exe and some other programs can be different.How do I know the file the uninstaller of a program?

There are several ways to find files of a program uninstaller that is:The first way is by looking at the program folder located at C: / Program Files / NAME OF PROGRAM / (assuming your Windows is on drive C: /).

The second way is by looking through the Windows Registry that is the path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall/NAMA PROGRAM/

(Replace NAME OF PROGRAM with the name of the program that you want to see uninstallernya).Then on the right side look at the value named UninstallString. That the location and file name uninstallernya. Examples for the program Digsby, I see the path:


Then it is UninstallString C: / Program Files / Digsby / uninstall.exe. Means his name is Uninstall.exe uninstaller file that is located in the folder C: / Program Files / Digsby.

Uninstaller file name of a program you already know the two steps above. Next we proceed to block executable files for the program uninstaller earlier can not be deleted or uninstalled. Still the same way by blocking the program in Windows that I've posted previously. Here are the steps to prevent that the user can not remove the program or prevent the uninstall program:

1. Click Start »Run. Type gpedit.msc and press Enter to open the Group Policy Editor
2. In the Group Policy Editor window click the User Configuration »Administrative Templates» System.

3. On the right side double click (double click) the item named Do not run specified Windows Applications.

4. In the window Do not run specified Windows Applications Settings that appears click the Enabled option and click the Show button.

5. Then, in the Show Contents window that appears, enter the name of the executable installer from programs that do not want deleted by another user. For example, the program name is Digsby as I mentioned above. Uninstaller file name is Uninstall.exe. Then, type "uninstall.exe" in the list.

6. If you want to include the uninstaller program to another, first look at the file name uninstallernya with how to view the file uninstaller above. If the same file name, you do not have to enter it again. If the file name is not the same, then you must memasukkanya again.
7. If all the uninstaller file name you have entered, click the OK button to save. Then click the OK button is also on the window Do not run specified Windows Applications previous settings and close the Group Policy Editor.
Everything has been done up to here. Now try to uninstall a program that you have entered in the list. Does the uninstall process can be done? If it does not mean all of them successful. If not, check whether the name of the uninstaller files you've typed correctly.

Prevent Users to Install Program

Perhaps many of you who use one computer for some people, such as a computer cafe, office or school. Sometimes you are a bit annoyed adminstartor computer with another user who wishes to install the program on that computer. Arise keinginana to disable the function to install the program on that computer. Then, how do I get the user can not install the program on a computer?
There is a way you can do to prevent a user from installing programs on a computer. Tersebuat way is to block the Windows Installer, known as Microsoft Installer. Executable file of the program is msiexec.exe. However, I need to underline this way only able to prevent users not to install the installer program extension. Msi. If the set-up has the extension. Exe likely still be executed. These tips can you use in Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.
OK. Immediately, I discuss how to prevent user installs a program on a computer, one by one. The first way is by blocking the msiexec.exe program. To do that, you can use to limit access to programs in Windows that I've posted some time ago. Please read the tutorial first. In the fifth step (the 5th), enter "msiexec.exe" (no quotes) into the program who wish to be limited. For more details, please read the article How to Restrict Access to Programs in Windows.
The second way for Facebook users can not install the program is to block the Windows Installer through the group policy editor. Here are the steps:

1. Click Start »Run. Type "gpedit.msc" (without the quotes) and press Enter to open Group Policy Editor.
2. In the Group Policy Editor window, open the Computer Configuration »Administrative Templates» Windows Components »Windows Installer.
3. On the right pane, double click (double click) Disable Windows Installer.

4. In the Disable Windows Installer window, select the Enable option and then select the Disable Windows Installer Always on the dropdown box provided.

5. Click OK to save changes and close the Settings window.
Now try to run the installer or setup programs that have a. Msi to check if the settings work. If it appears a dialog like the image below, you have successfully blocked the Windows Installer.

if the setup program still running, check again setting before and make sure everything was the same as the tutorial that I gave.
A few tips to prevent users melakuakn or block the installation program Windows Installer

Automatic Login in Windows 7 and Vista without Entering Password

As you know, if you protect your user account with a password so every time they log into Windows you must click on the username and enter a user password. In terms of security it is very necessary to keep track so that others can not enter your Windows user account arbitrarily. However, during the installation of new programs or change the settings, some of which require restarting the computer. To log back into Windows, you must do the same thing again, that is clicking on your username and password to enter. If you're tired of doing it every day, there is a way for you no longer need to click on a username and a password to log into Windows. In other words, there is a way to be able to login automatically in Windows without entering a password.
These tips can you use on Windows 7 and Windows Vista. The way was fairly easy. However, I remind you if your user account pasa data is important and confidential data, I suggest do not do this trick. If someone else uses the computer, he'll eat Seara automatically logged into your user account without entering a password. If you are sure to do this trick, please follow the following steps:

1. Click Start »Run. Type netplwiz and press Enter to open the Advanced User Accounts window
2. If I did not succeed, you can type control userpasswords2 in the Run window and press Enter.
3. In the window, Advanced User Accounts, remove the check mark (grass) on the option that says Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.

4. Click the OK button to save the settings.5. Once you click the OK button before, a window will appear asking you to enter a password. Enter the correct password and click OK. If you do not use a password on your user, input the password blank.

All arrangements have been completed. Now when you turn on or restart the computer, you can automatically log into Windows without the need to enter a password.
To restore its original settings or for each of your logins must choose a username and enter a password, you just follow the steps above. In the Advanced User Accounts window, give a check mark (grass) back on the option Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.
A few tips on how to login automatically in Windows 7 and Vista without entering a password.

These tips can also be used on Windows XP. But to open the Advanced User Accounts to use the step-2 is type the command control userpasswords2 on the Run window and press Enter.

How to Make a Backup of Windows 7 to A DVD

ways going to the backup of Windows 7 into a DVD. Backing up Windows 7 to the DVD may be a solution for those who have limited disk space to store backups. Also, if you still have a damaged hard drive backups on a DVD.

How to backup Windows 7 into a DVD, almost the same as backing up Windows 7 to the hard disk. The difference is only in the voter drive backup storage. To do backups to DVD, of course things to prepare is a blank DVD and an optical drive that can burn a DVD (DVD Burner). However, you need to consider is the capacity of DVDs. Generally the capacity of DVD is approximately 4 GB and 9 GB. So you have to adjust the size of files to be backed up with a capacity of blank DVD that you use.

If everything is ready, follow these steps to backup Windows 7 into a DVD:

   1. Insert blank DVD into the DVD drive.
   2. Open the Control Panel. In the item System and Security, click Backup your computer.

 3.Next, click on Backup Sets and Backup Wizard window will appear.

4. On the first wizard window, select the DVD drive of your computer and click Next 

5. Then select Let Windows choose option (recommended) and click Next. By choosing this option Windows will determine what is backed up in accordance with the capacity of your DVD. If you want to determine what will be backed up, select Let me choose.

6. Next, click the Save settings and run the backup to start the backup process.
7. The backup process will begin. Wait until the backup process is complete. The time it takes the backup process depends on the size of the file to be in the backup.

Windows 7 backups to a DVD has been finished up to here. You can use this backup to restore important files that exist in Windows 7 you. In the next article I will discuss the tutorial how to make a backup of Windows 7 to the Network Sharing

Application to determine Statistics Harddisk Contents

Here's the software and some steps tutorial
1.Download TreeSize Free 2.3.2 ( with a file size of 1.57 MB). Run the installer file TreeSizeSetup.exe, and immediately follow the installation phase.
2.Jalankan TreeSize applications through the start menu. You can find out information on the allocation of files and unused disk space on multiple drives are available on the PC. To make drive selection, to the Scan menu and then drive the desired selection.
3.Tak only drive, the directory can be processed by this application. First, click on the file menu, then click Select directory, and select the directory you want, and with this application immediately before presenting it to you.
TreeSize 4.Informasi contained in the content directory or the contents of the drive data is sort / sort in either ascending or descending. To do so, click the Sort menu, then specify the desired sort.
5.Nilai representing the use of space / space drive / directory for the files to be displayed vary. You can display based on the size, Allocated space, percent, cluster size and file count. Units that represent these values also have displayed a variety of KB, MB, GB, or mixed units.

Application to solve problems on the operating system components

Among the many tools for dealing with problems in Windows, some of them having the function or feature complete. One of them is IObit Toolbox 1.0 which you can have from the website with size 15.64 MB.
More than twenty IObit tools incorporated in the toolbox, and all of them powerful enough to be used.
This application is able to perform diagnosis, repair the operating system and software components that are usually difficult, even complex, including clean and process optimization. To be able to use it, pretty easy and simple, the user need not perform any installation, in other words to be portable
Users can place IObit Toolbox anytime and anywhere when needed because pengunannya can be directly accessed via portable media, such as USB flash disk or CD-ROM.

Advice before using Window 7

Interested in trying the Windows 7, the latest operating system from Microsoft? Before trying to use it, listen to past advice from Microsoft about the ability of PCs to be used.
But, do not bother calling Microsoft Customer Service to get it. Software giant is already preparing an application that is able to provide advice on PC users who want to install Windows 7.
The application is called Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor. He serves scan your computer and tell if the computer used to run Windows 7.
When running the application will check the four system requirements:RAM. Windows 7 requires a minimum of 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit version and 2 GB for 64-bit.Notebook. Windows 7 requires 16 GB of hard drive space for 32-bit version and 20 GB for 64-bit.CPU speed. Minimum CPU speed for Windows 7 is 1 GHz.The ability of Windows Aero.
Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor can also tell whether the user can upgrade directly to Windows 7 or must perform the installation from scratch. Applications will also examine tools and programs installed.
Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor (Beta) available for download on Microsoft's site with a size of 6.3 MB. If running on Windows XP, the computer must be equipped with. NET Framework 2.0.