Comparison of Galaxy S III vs iPhone 4S vs HTC One X

The battle in the mobile market is sure to be a class above the more intense after the presence of Samsung Galaxy S III.

Samsung Officially Launches Galaxy S III

After a long wait, finally Samsung officially unveils Galaxy S III. Android's latest generation of South Korean vendor will soon be visited Europe and Asia followed this by the end of May 2012.

New Nokia Photo Samples from 808 PureView, Wow

For those of you who are interested to buy Nokia 808 Pureview, it's good to see the first images captured using a camera phone. This time the sample photos of the 41MP camera has been obtained through Nokia's official Flickr account.

Samsung: Planning for Windows Phone 8 Smartphone with Base Galaxy S III?

Windows Phone 8 is still not officially announced, but rumors about the smartphone vendors who are making phones with the operating system in it keeps popping up. this time claiming that they heard the initial details about plans for a product Samsung Windows Phone 8.

6 Expected Features Available on the iPad Mini

Re hot news comes from a family line of iPad. Apple rumored to be making a new tablet with a 7 inch size with a price tag in the range of USD 200. This was done to compete with the Kindle Fire.

Showing posts with label PlayStation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PlayStation. Show all posts

Sony PlayStation 4 will be released Five Year Again?

Latest game consoles made by Sony is a Sony PS3, face to face with his rival Xbox 360. But when asked when the latest game consoles Sony PlayStation 4 will be present, apparently still not been able in the near future.


CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, Kaz Hirai, has stressed the point that they are only half way with the PS3 console and many games titles to be released from Sony game studios and other game studios. "Every year we uncover and release the new feature" Clear Hirai indicating the PS3 still has not reached maximum capacity.

For now, Sony is focusing released Sony NGP (Next Generation Portable) that has been announced and may be integrated with the PS3 console, obviously Hirai. More details, Hirai said:

"Just like a home game console, the PS3 goes into the business in 2006 has a life cycle of 10 years, I think the PS3 will continue to increase. Therefore, the rumor about the PlayStation 4 did not seem like things to be discussed now, we are still concentrating full on the PS3 game console to date. Sony PS3 and NGP can be regarded as a new co-operative partnership. "

If so, then Sony's PlayStation game console will present 4 new of 5 years. Does the home gaming console will be more abandoned and switch to mobile phones with mobile gaming. Looks like in the future only need one device to perform all essential functions,

Beware of Credit Card Theft on the PlayStation Network

There was a hacker who claims to be breaking protection PlayStation Network (PSN) in several ways, one of which installs a modified firmware for the PlayStation 3 (PS3).

This was revealed through a document quoted from Arstecnica, Friday (02/18/2011). Its contents, the hacker can explain if the security system within the PSN to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) which is commonly used.
Through this system, Sony received personal data of its users such as credit card number, complete address, telephone number and other. So far it is fairly safe mode, but different from the case when users install an unofficial firmware.

To sign into PSN, Sony's system will only recognize the user through each certificate that is in the console game. Well, if the console has been modified with a particular firmware, there may be some joker who inserts a certificate for his personal benefit.

Worse yet, the alleged custom firmware can also change the Domain Name System (DNS) which will be referred. This is what is feared to steal user identities, by attacking the security system of PSN.

Even though there has been no official reports from gamers who are exposed to the attacks, but Sony recommends that PS3 owners to use the firmware is officially released.