A well known achronym, SAP stands for Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing. The company was founded in Germany, in a town called Walldorf next to Heidelberg and was started in 1972 by five IBM engineers. It was a great business idea, put in the service of other businesses and providing them with highly specialized services without which nobody could survive in today's busy and highly specialized environment. Most people have heard about one of our best known services, SAP security. So, when people want to come to work for our company, they say they will want to become a SAP consultant for SAP security. However, the activities of our company are so widespread nowadays that you can be a SAP consultant in practically any field. While we do offer very specialized services, we are very specialized in many types of activities that no one else on the market can provide better than we can. If you are looking to become a SAP consultant with us, you would better look further than working in SAP security.
Nowadays, we have more than 44,500 installations. We work in 120 countries and have about ten million users. Because our services are so varied, you have very many options when you join the SAP team: you can be an SAP consultant building up our services portfolio. You can be an SAP consultant offering active global support. Another option is to be an SAP consultant for education or financing. Many of our employees have the job of SAP consultant for process outsourcing or SAP consultant for tools, technologies and methodologies. Many of our most experienced people are employed as SAP consultant workers for ramp up, which means that they introduce new solutions for the market. There is also the posibility to become a SAP consultant for managed services and for custom development.
We have been in the business of providing high-tech solutions for more than 30 years now. We work in varied fields as defence, bancking, chemicals, mining, oil and gas, railways, roads, etc. Since we provide solutions for any type of business activity, if you are a SAP consultant you can end up working for that activity that is most interesting for you. You may start in a division that is of no particular interest to you and advance by becoming a SAP consultant in the field you are most passionate about. For example, you can start out as a SAP consultant for mail services and turn out to be a SAP consultant in the area of oil and gas.
Indeed, most people come to SAP to work for SAP security. That is what they hear about, that we provide security for business services we offer and they want to be in the field of SAP security. But then we tell them that SAP security can mean any number of things. When we provide solutions in the domain of finance, we provide SAP security for that. When we provide solutions for companies that work with fossil energy, we provide security for our services there. Any service we provide for our companies, we also provide SAP security along with it. So when you come to our company ready to work in the field of SAP security, you would be better off knowing much more than that about what you really want to end up doing.
Either way, what all this means is that there are many available jobs to work for SAP security. It's just that you can be a provider of SAP security in any number of branches of our company. We do not want you to be shy. We think that anyone has a chance in our company, especially with a solid background in business or IT studies. If you are well trained, try to come and work for our company. We started small and ended up being the biggest business service provider. We are open to giving chances to beginners. We started in Walldorf and we are now on Wall Street. We want you to do the same, to use our company for growing personally.
All that we ask of you is to have some idea about the activities of our company before you approach us. Don't count just on rumours. Don't just come and say that you want to be a SAP consultant and you prefer SAP security. It takes a little more than that to actually end up working in SAP security. It takes a little bit of effort to understand some of the huge array of activities our company has and it takes some knowledge of what you want to do inside the company. That is all you need. We will help you grow from there.
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