Samsung Galaxy S III had a pretty solid hardware specifications. As quad-core Cortex A9 CPU and chipset quad Exynos 4212. But who would have thought in a test measuring the performance benchmark in the application AnTuTu, Galaxy S III is overthrown by Meizu MX, a smartphone from China.
In tests involving the Galaxy S III, HTC Meizu MX and One X, MX Meizu apparently managed to become champion. Meizu MX benchmark rate reached 12 140, Samsung Galaxy S III 11 878 and the latest HTC X One reaches 9989.
Meizu itself was put on the processor made by Samsung, the Exynos A9 quad core with 1.5 GHz clock speed. Exynos slightly higher than in the Galaxy S III is 1.4 GHz.
Quoted from Tech2, Wednesday (05/09/2012), which lauched GSMArena test results show superior Meizu MX Galaxy S III in the sector of the CPU and memory speed. And only lost in the graphics sector.
Meizu established since 2003 is quite ambitious in the world of smartphone and very well known in China as a manufacturer of popular mobile phones. Not infrequently a new product they immediately sold out not long after the sale in the Bamboo Curtain country.
Galaxy S III alone, including a very powerful phone. Earlier in the Quadrant, he scored the highest compared with other Android smartphone. Smartphone Samsung has just introduced on May 3 last.
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