The news about the tablet with Ubuntu blows from Andrew Sykes, author of China gadget site GizChina who quoted from TheRegister, Wednesday (29/12/2010). "new tablet that uses Linux will be coming soon!" exclaimed Sykes.
The device was described as having a size of 10.1 inches. He will run the Ubuntu Netbook 10:10, most likely with Unity user interface that supports multi-touch.
Another leak, this tablet will use Intel Atom 1.6 GHz, 2GB RAM and 32GB solid-state storage drives. Complement, including a camera or a webcam, USB port, HDMI-Out and MicroSD Card.
Sykes did not reveal what brand of tablets used was Ubuntu. Source Sykes, who was not named, claimed the device was ready for production from the hardware side.
If so, Ubuntu will compete with the IOS and the Android operating system in the realm of the tablet. In addition, there is also a BlackBerry Tablet OS, Windows, Palm OS and Chrome the OS that probably will also 'play' in 2011.