Award as the best tool given to Apple's iPhone 4. This device according to the judges to be a winner because the screen is sharp, the material quality assemblies thereof, and the ecosystem of developers and their applications are phenomenal....
While the award for best device maker given to HTC. The company is considered able to emerge from a company that is not considered to be a company that has a good range of products in almost all mobile platforms. One of the HTC device that gets the attention of the jury is called Desire which has a full-featured device with a consistent good performance. HTC Customer service is also be a plus in this award.
In the field of software, Rovio be a double winner. Rovio received an award as Application Platform this year at Apple and as the Best Mobile Application in its entirety. One mainstay Rovio game that exploded in the market is Angry Birds that are available in several platforms such as IOS, Android, until Windows Phone 7.
Google and Blackberry also received an award for each of its platforms. Google Maps to be the best application Android Blackberry Messenger while on the platform awarded