After a long wait, finally Samsung officially unveils Galaxy S III. Android's latest generation of South Korean vendor will soon be visited Europe and Asia followed this by the end of May 2012.
For those of you who are interested to buy Nokia 808 Pureview, it's good to see the first images captured using a camera phone. This time the sample photos of the 41MP camera has been obtained through Nokia's official Flickr account.
Windows Phone 8 is still not officially announced, but rumors about the smartphone vendors who are making phones with the operating system in it keeps popping up. this time claiming that they heard the initial details about plans for a product Samsung Windows Phone 8.
Re hot news comes from a family line of iPad. Apple rumored to be making a new tablet with a 7 inch size with a price tag in the range of USD 200. This was done to compete with the Kindle Fire.
Nokia has chosen Windows Phone 7 (WP7) as the primary OS for smart phones in the future. However, the Finnish mobile phone giant is not had no consequences at all. According to the Times of India, there are 7 summary / key points about the duet Nokia and Microsoft need to know, see below:
1. Nokia and Microsoft Combine Assets
Nokia and Microsoft combine assets to develop and market mobile products. Nokia to pay license the use of WP 7. In return, Microsoft is investing in marketing and development of mobile phones. License agreement is considered complicated because some Nokia technology will be embedded in WP 7, such as navigation and map features.
2. Exchange of Technology
Nokia gives brands more superior in the world of smartphones, mobile devices, embedded applications store in Windows 7 Phone Marketplace and technology map. While contributing to the software Microsoft Windows 7 Phone, Bing, Xbox Live and Office software.
3. Nokia Make Mobile Development Division Two
Along with the announcement of using WP 7, Nokia said it will make two special units of mobile phone development. Two units referred to the Smart Devices division is now led by Jo Harlow, and the Mobile Phones division.
4. Symbian and MeeGo Not Removed
The arrival of Windows 7 Phone will not get rid of the original OS Nokia, the Symbian and MeeGo. However, both are just so complementary because of WP 7 is the primary OS for your Nokia smartphone.
5. Nokia Research and Development Budget Trimming
Nokia intends to cut its budget to research and development. Nokia CEO, Stephen Elop, stated that this division of funds four times more than what Apple released and largely directed to Symbian. With WP 7 so the main platform, trimming the budget in this area is reasonable.
6. Nokia will Conducting Employee Deductions
Nokia said it would have cut the number of workers at Nokia, which will be conducted in various parts of the world, including Finland. However, Nokia CEO, Stephen Elop, not sure how many employees are laid off and in any part.
7. Nokia Cancel choose Android
Stephen Elop claimed to have intensive discussions with Google about Android adoption. In the end Nokia judge will find it hard to distinguish its products from manufacturers other Android already in existence. On the other hand, Google is also strong in the area of service map and Ovi Nokia Maps do not want to be ignored. As a result, Nokia also canceled Android adoption
Whatever the chosen OS that Nokia, which obviously will bring new flavors on Nokia smart phones later. Just wait for its presence in the near future, at least in this year's consumer gadgets will be able to taste the Nokia phones with Microsoft's mobile OS is.
Nokia decision to turn away from Symbian to Windows 7 Phone seems already certain. This is evident from the Nokia effort to continue to attract the attention of developers to distribute Nokia E7 free to members of the Nokia Launchpad. In addition, Nokia also promised a free Nokia devices WP7 immediately after the device is available.
Launchpad is Nokia mobile application development program which usually attract an annual fee of € 300, but for now this is available free of charge during the first year. Membership is available if an application is received by Nokia developers from both companies and private developers. Developers will get first access of the API and SDK are updated regularly, including on Ovi Store promotions and training invitation.
In addition to free devices, Nokia also will provide technical support for all Nokia technology for free for three months and a free evaluation of applications that have been made by the developer. Nokia also promises ongoing business development support for this program.
Looks like Intel divulge some idea about the newest MacBook Pro. See above picture clearly, from an image ad for Sandy Bridge Intel's newest Core i5 seen a mysterious black laptop. Many consider it is the newest MacBook Pro, let alone the previous MacBook Pro update rumored to be getting an Intel Sandy Bridge on March 1 next. If it is true as shown above, means the new MacBook Pro will be thinner, black, and have the corners sharper. Is "black is the new silver" for the MacBook Pro?
A patent from Apple about the new technology to increase battery life recently discovered by Apple Insider. Patent registration is intended to increase the energy density in Lithium rechargeable battery so it is more durable in use. Apple investigating the use of a new technique called multi-step constant-current constant-voltage (CC-CV) which would increase the density of the volumetric and gravimetric energy in storing electric power in the battery. According to the patent, this method will increase the capacity of a battery without affecting the size of the battery and filling time. Apple device when compared with other similar devices including a battery that is good enough. Even so battery power will be more and more in the future as new features continue to emerge, including a better screen that absorbs more energy than a regular screen. Therefore, devices with high battery life will always be needed and expected, either from Apple or from another company.
For those who are dying want to try like what Windows mobile Phone 7 (WP 7) made by Nokia seems to still be patient. Executive Nokia said mobile phone made by Nokia new WP 7 will greet the market in 2012.
"The Windows-based products on the market from 2012 onwards," said Chairman of Nokia, Ollila Jorman as reported by Reuters on Friday (02/18/2011).
Previously, Jo Harlow division as the new leader Nokia said mobile phone Smart Devices WP 7 Nokia intended to be sold this year as well. However, there appears to shift the target time to market.
On the other hand, Ollila added that Nokia is actually not only be approached by Microsoft and Google have time to apply for other operating systems. But he did not mention who the parties meant.
"There's Microsoft, Google ... and in addition we also have other applicants," added Olila. Ultimately, the choice fell to WP 7
There issomethingquiteinterestinginthe IntelCorei7-2600K. Althoughlauchedathighspeed, there are no symptoms ofoverheatinginthisproduct.
Corei7-2600K or commonlyknownasone ofthefamily ofSandyBridge, a second generationofIntelCorefamily ofprocessorsithatoccupythe highest position. Howeverthis productpricedata reasonableprice, which is inthe range of$ 300.
Judging from thespecificationsadopted, this productcertainlybringsa lot ofimprovement. For example,integratedwith theGraphicProcessing Unit(GPU) thatsupposedlycanimprove system performance.Well whendidvideotranscoding, orsimplywatchservingsHighDefinition(HD).
IntelCorei7-2600K was just bornwith aspeed of3.4GHzandcanautomaticallyincreaseup to 3.8GHzbecauseTurbobostfeatures. Butif you think thatsnotenough, this processor can still belauchedfasterbecause it has amultiplierthatis notlocked.
Only withcongenitalcooling, this productcouldreach 4Ghzmoreeasily. Evenif youwantmoreserious, couldbe increasedagainwitha bettercoolingsystem. Eveninsomecases there weresuccessfulpenetratingup to 5GHz. Wow!
try tocomparethis processortothe motherboardGigaByteGA-P67A-UD4 thatusesthe IntelP67Expresschipset. As a result, the temperaturedwell onlyon thenumber of25-30degreesatmaximumload conditionswith thecasingopen. Adriftverylargewhencompared tothe Corei7 965thatreached50degreesinthe same condition.
Sometestingwasan IntelCorei7-2600K superior toCorei7965.Althoughnotfar adrift, but theperformance isworththe pricedifferencepointedhis thumbto rememberthatnearlydoubledonthe market.
Forpower supply, the processorwilltakeabout75wattsatidleandincreaseto140wattsatmaximumload conditions. Soit is appropriate thatusersusethe powersupplywith acapacityofover500watts.
In3DMark06,the scoreachieved bythe CPUCorei7reaches6681-2600K.Superior totheCorei7965whichonlygot5670.For the record,the Corei7965has4cores(8threads),3.2Ghz,andhaveusedtriple-channel.
Fromthese resultsalreadyvisible, if the performancepercoreat theSandyBridgearchitectureisfairlygood,fairlydecentpricesapply.
In additionto the3DMark06,a similarresultwas alsoobtainedonothertestssuch asCinebench,3DMarkVantage,andPCMarkVantage.
In addition totheabovebenchmarkapplication,I am alsoa littleplaywiththe abilityto processvideo filesintoone ofthe mainstayproduct.
ConvertMovtoMKVformatata resolution of1080pixelstakesabout3 minutes42 secondswithoutusing theGPUencoding.That'sforvideoduration5 minuteswitha size of about400MB.
In addition,testingwas alsodonewithsimulationscalculatedusingtablesinMicrosoftExcelfilesMontecarloandNumberCrunch.The result,afterthreetimesof testingthe Corei7-2600Kscored11 secondstoMontecarloand3401millisecondsforNumberCrunch.
In conclusion, theCorei7-2600Kableto providemore valuebecause ofthetremendousperformanceand competitive price.Thoughthereare lessreasonstochiptsetsupportersare not workingwell,butthe processorisstillworthy ofareferencecomputerenthusiastswho putperformance.
In the market,the IntelCorei7-2600Kpricedat$ 300price range.Whilesomeseriesunder that,the Corei72600,Corei52500,Corei52400,Corei52300peggedstartfromUSD150toUSD.250
In reviewingthisproduct, IuseMotherboardGigaByteGA-P67A-UD4,CorsairHX1000W,CorsairDominator4GB,ASUSVH226,AMDRadeonHD6870,andoperating systemWindows7HomePremium64bit.
There arealsotwonewAndroid phonewhichwill benamedDellDellHancock, andDellMillennium.Bothwillrun theAndroid OSIceCreamanddual core processors.DellHancockwillhavea slidingQWERTYkeyboard,touch screen4inches(960×540),8MPcamera,1.3MPfront camera,capable of recordingfullHD1080pvideo.
WhileDellMillenniumwillnothaveaphysicalkeyboardbutwill beequipped with4.3-inchQHDscreen,rear8MPcameraandVGAfrontcamera,andDLNAcertification.Whiledetailedinformationis not knownat the same timethe price