HP touchpad Ready to Compete IPAD

Hewlett-Packard (HP) presents them with the Palm Produck in tablet form titled touchpad. Promise, with WebOS this product would be more superior than its competitors, including the iPad.

Approximately a year ago HP acquired plam with a value of USD 1.2 billion. Not a small figure indeed, and of course HP has set up a big plan behind it, including in the manufacture of smart phones and tablets.

HP's first Tablet-Palm is a touchpad. This product has a weight of 725g, with a width of 9.7-inch screen. Inside there is a camera, a virtual keyboard and operating system WebOS.

Quoted from USA Today on Thursday (02/10/2011), HP positioned this product to be a fierce rival iPad. But keep in mind as well if Apple has prepared iPad 2 with a specification that is not less sophisticated.

But experts said the marketing strategy of Endpoint Technologies Associates, Roger Kay, HP also should consider in terms of application compatibility. Because, until now there were 60 thousand applications interesting for the iPad.

There is no information about the price later this touchpad, but this product will begin to plan marketed in around April 2011, along with HP's smart phone Veer.


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