Latest Snapdragon - Qualcomm Improve Graphic Tablets

Qualcomm has released the new Snapdragon chip. The company, based in San Diego, California, United States of this claim, its chip is specifically designed to enhance the graphics capabilities of tablets.

Snapdragon APQ8060 dual core, thus the name of the chip, already used on the touchpad, tablet made by Hewlett-Packard (HP) has just been released this weekend.

In addition to the touchpad, there are many other tablets that will use this chip. It said President Group, Qualcomm, Steve Mollenkopf, Snapdragon will be embedded in more than 20 tablets immediately enliven the market this year. But he refused to give testimony, whichever vendor will use the chips.

"If you can see, consumers now tend to consist of the user's smart phone functions with a personal computer. And we have a good combination for both," said Mollenkopf.

He said other advantages of this chip could include featuring HD-quality images and 3D impressions


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