Cannonical Presents Unity on Ubuntu 11:04 Desktop Edition

In accordance with his promise, Cannonical finally buried by default desktop management software Unity on their latest operating system will release, Ubuntu 4.11 (Natty Narwhal) Desktop Edition.
At a time when many Ubuntu users are enjoying the fun-fun Ubuntu 10:10 (Maverick Meerkat), using the code name Natty Narwhal, Cannonical recently announced the latest veri their latest operating system, Linux Ubuntu 11:04 aka alpha test version.
In this latest version, according to the promise that once disclosed, the company's official pembesut Ubuntu is finally brings Unity by default in version Natty Narwhal Desktop Edition.
Unity itself is the latest desktop software management based multi-touch enabled Compiz and claimed to support a variety of devices previously only introduced in Linux Ubuntu 10:10 (Maverick Meerkat) Netbook Edition (details about Unity, please visit the Unity website.)
The founder of Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth in the event the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) have revealed that the desktop software management Cannonical dibesut by this plan will be embedded by default on Linux Ubuntu 4.11 Desktop Edition.
Although it has been embedded by default, Ubuntu users can still choose a desktop management that they want from the features of the GDM (Gnome Display Manager) is provided. The trick is to choose whether Ubuntu Desktop (with Unity) or Ubuntu Classic Session (without Unity).
In addition to Unity, Cannonical also perform various repair and renewal at Linux Ubuntu 11:04, so as to support the computing activities of Ubuntu users daily.
As for the final version, according to a schedule that has been released, Natty Narwhal final version scheduled to release on April 28, 2011. However, if you want to try Ubuntu 4.11 Desktop Edition with this Unity, please download at Softpedia.


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