Motorola Droid 2 Claimed Explosion, Blood splattered

A man from Texas, United States (U.S.), claiming his  Motorola Droid 2 handset exploded while making a call. His ears were so wound bled, even to get four stitches.
Aaron Embry, thus the name of the man, initially will go to work and make phone calls. Unfortunately, in the midst of conversation, Droid 2 it suddenly exploded and injured him.
Embry was panicked to see blood spilled, and then she drove to her workplace. There, he snapped off the wound with a camera as evidence of an explosion that happened.
"My colleague said, there was a man at the door and he was bloody, as has just been shot," said Embry's wife, as quoted from the dailymail detikINET, Monday (12/06/2010).
Glass at the Droid 2 speakers are damaged, but the condition of the phone is still intact. This explosion was not unexpected, because Android smartphone has just purchased two days earlier.
Given the hospitalization cost of USD 4000, Embry was like the Motorola reimburse medical and consider legal steps to get it.
Meanwhile, the Motorola states, consumer safety is the highest priority and they will contact Embry to investigate. Usually the cell phone explosion coming from the battery problem, but in this case the battery in one piece.


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