Google TV Successfully hacked, Angry Bird Can Play via TV

Google TV finally successfully broken! Keep in mind, in November Google makes hacking competition with prizes of USD 1000, for the first person who can do the jailbreak Google TV. With it, means that applications on Android can run on Google TV.

Well, in the end the team named GTVHacker Dev Team who successfully crack on the internet TV platform. They use a combination of software and hardware hacking.

They then posted a video duration of 6 minutes on YouTube, which Google TV shows have been successfully broken. GTVhacker Dev Team uses Logitech Revue television while performing the action.

Once in jaiblreak, users can certainly put up some compatible applications on the Android Market. For example, run the application in Google Hulu TV streaming TV, and even play games on a TV Angry Bird.

As quoted from detikINET BlogsDNA, Wednesday (12/1/2010), Howard Harte from Google as a hacking contest organizers are giving prizes to the winning team to develop any applications on Google's next TV


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