Moscow Bombing Video Game Inspired Modern Warfare 2?

Suicide bomb attacks that killed dozens of people had just rocked the airport in Moscow, Russia. The terrorists who designed this deadly attacks allegedly got inspiration and training from war games, Modern Warfare 2.

The report from Russia Today television pointed out that the terrorists to train themselves to play the game of Modern Warfare 2. Indeed in the game Activision made the mission in which there is a Russian airport were fired.

"The scene of bloody attacks in Moscow warned the controversial computer game which involves a character who attacked civilians in an airport imaginative,"he said on the television presenter.

In a mission titled 'No Russian', players are required to attack civilians in an imaginary airport in Moscow. It was not until a bomb explosion, but still, this scene could be considered inspiring terrorists. Since the beginning of the emergence of the Modern Warfare 2, this scene has been considered controversial.

Allegations of Russian media is quite reasonable. Walid Phares, a terrorism analyst at the United States recognizes the possibility of terrorists using video games to train yourself to do the real attack in the real world.

"I think those who have received radical insight was to see the video games they can use for practice," said Phares,


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