Use a Computer, British Men Find New Planets

People will exert efforts to something that is very interested. As did Peter Jalowiczor, because they do not have telescopes, these lovers of the British Astronomical utilize two computer units to find the four alien planet.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (01/04/2011), Jalowiczor told him to use two computers at home and spend three years analyzing the data released by the Lick-Carnegie Planet Search Team, University of California at Santa Cruz, California.

Jalowiczor which is the ordinary office workers, the use of Doppler spectroscopy, which is a spectroscopic method to find planets outside our solar system.

"I watched a change in behavior that only a star caused by planets orbiting around them. When I identify candidate new planet, I immediately send the detail information of the candidate to Santa Cruz," explained Jalowiczor.

Thanks to his diligence, Jalowiczor awarded. Four planets have been found by him is named HD31253b, HD218566b, HD177830c, and HD99492c.


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