Apple Admits There's Bug in the iPhone and iPod Touch

iPhone and iPod Touch is rumored to have a bug that makes the alarm function in the two gadgets was not functioning properly, Apple was soon to speak about the issue.

IPhone and iPod Touch users at several different time zones, complaining about an alarm that does not work properly. Although the user has set the alarm to ring on a regular basis, but still only on December 1 and January 2, 2010 these functions can not be used.

These events experienced by users of the iPhone and iPod Touch with 4.2.1 IOS operating system and the latest version. Apple also admitted that it had discovered a bug in the operating system.

"We've recognized this problem, and we will immediately fix it through updates that will come,"said Natalie Harrison, a spokesman for Apple Australia told ZDNet that quoted on Sunday (01/02/2011).

But Apple also ensure that these issues are not going to last long, "All the alarms will be back to normal after the 3rd of January," added Harrison without reveal the cause of the problem.

The problem is not the first time the alarm was found in the IOS. We have previously found a bug IOS Saving Dayligt which makes the system will automatically repeat alarm time.


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